Thursday, December 1, 2011

the why and when

I was finally begged to see the doc after bringing up blood with a cough for 3 weeks.
I have copd/emphasema and am always fighting sinus infections, teeth infections and the lot.
I figured the blood was from these. But, off to the doc, I go. This was Nov. 17.
Ah, antibiotic, steriod and a chest xray, these are liveable, doable.  I should say here that I do not have any type of medical insurance.

UH, OH, Monday, Dec 21 doc calls, wants to see me now.
Seems my right lung has ran away, doesnt appear on the xray.  OH, btw, I was a 2 pack a day, 30+ years smoker, so lung cancer was a huge possibility.
He is sending me to a lung doctor, the very next day! OH< NO

Now, I am in a panic and as a avid reader and sometime poster on the COPD FORUM, INTERNATIONAL, I throw this out to them.  What an amazing group of people!

So, off to the lung doc.  He says the right lung is working but barely, whhooosh, thank god, but he wants a bronchoscopy done.  It was done the day after Thanksgiving, Nov. 25.  I am such a wuss, I started crying  on Tuesday and I havent stopped yet.
Ah, a brief word on bronchoscopy, its kinda like lyposuction, but they forgot to take any fat.  It hurts after the fact.

But, the roller coaster continues; get a call on Monday, Nov. 28 for the radiation oncologists office. What!!!!
Receptionist says I have an appointment for the next day.  I say ok, why?  I only knew I had a tumor at the top of my bronchial tube.  She says " OH, Honey, there was cancer found".  I fell totally apart at this point.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Melody, I'm glad you decided to start a blog. It really has been therapeutic for me, and I find it interesting when I go back in time and see how I was coping, or not as the case may be. :)

    Take care, and I'll be keeping up with this.
